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September 2023 RISER of the Month: Liz Melvin

For years, Liz Melvin’s good friends had been coming to RISE and were constantly raving about Carin Fanter’s indoor and outdoor bootcamps. In 2021, Liz decided it was time to give RISE a shot. “One class and I was hooked,” she says. Today, Liz is a RISE regular. It’s the variety of classes at RISE that she loves most and what keeps her coming back for more. “There is something for whatever mood I’m in,” she says. “I can sweat it out and scorch a ton of calories in Lauren’s circuit class, slow it down and start my morning intentionally at Danielle’s yoga sculpt, I can lift heavy and feel super strong in Trish’s strength/endurance or feel long and lean in Katelyn’s barre class. I love them all and find the variety so helpful in keeping me motivated.” No matter what class Liz is in we see an athlete giving her all. And her energy is contagious. It’s just that “extra push” in class that makes a RISER of the Month. We’re so glad to have you as the September 2023 RISER of the Month, Liz!

To find out more about Liz, read on!

What motivates you?

Fitting into my pants…just kidding! I workout for the endorphins more than anything. I have so much more energy and feel like I can be a more attentive mom when I stay active. I also like showing my two young boys that taking care of your physical and mental health should be a priority.

What specifically, other than format or schedule, do you like about RISE?

The instructors are awesome and so welcoming. The music is always loud, which I love, and you’re just surrounded by really strong, encouraging, good people!

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

I love starting my week at Lauren’s 6:00am Monday morning power circuits class. It sets my tone for the entire week. And in the words of Carin, “Never miss a Monday”!

What’s your athletic background?

I’ve always been an active person but didn’t focus on a single sport growing up. I took up tennis during Covid, absolutely love it and now try to play 2-3 times a week.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Find something active that you love doing and it won’t feel like “work”.


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