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Earlier this year, two different groups of RISERS set out to refocus, re-energize, and re-engage in their movement goals by conquering new fitness challenges.

Led by Coach Tom Fanter, a group of men set their sights on a new goal - completing a Murph Challenge on Memorial Day weekend. Leading up to the event, they met several times a week at RISE and outdoors to gradually build up their strength and endurance to complete the challenge. In between sessions, they followed a cross-training plan comprised of RISE cycle and fitness classes to keep them moving towards the end goal. "Preparing for and completing a Murph Challenge brought us together to honor a great cause and to truly leave our training comfort zones for a few weeks. It also really made us feel like a team. There is nothing quite like the accountability and camaraderie created by group training," said RISE Coach Tom Fanter.

Also in the spring, the inaugural Rise Run Club set out to complete two races in a 7-week period: Race for the Stars in Wheaton and the Freedom Four in Glen Ellyn. RISERS showed up twice a week to run, cross-trained in classes, conquered the hills, ran on vacation, and made it to the finish line together. Coach Lauren Buell created progressive workouts, suggested cross-training plans, recommended recipes to refuel, and provided consistent support and encouragement to get RISERS step after step to the finish line together.

"Rise Run Club consisted of a group of all levels of running. We had people who used to run a lot, people who never ran and people who still do distance, often! The one thing we all had in common was the desire to cross that finish line on July 4th and WE DID IT! That was a very proud moment for me -- the consistency and dedication of this group was truly inspiring!" said RISE Coach Lauren Buell. If you are looking for more accountability in a small group atmosphere, consider the RISE Accountability group starting in November or for a more customized plan, 1:1 Wellness coaching with Rachel Beard. We know more great things are in store for those who choose to RISE WITH US!


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