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RISER of the Month October 2023

When Lindsey Radek was asked to do the Riseolution Challenge by Stacy Short and Christine Guare in 2021, the timing couldn’t have been better. “I’m forever grateful they introduced me to RISE,” says Lindsey. “In the midst of Covid, it was the reset I needed to start prioritizing my health and fitness to be a stronger mom, wife and overall person.”

As soon as Lauren Craig found RISE during last year’s Ladies Night Out shopping event walking through Glen Ellyn, she immediately found a home at RISE. “The positive vibes motivate me and get me through the day,” says Lauren.

While Lauren Craig and Lindsey Radek found RISE separately, the friends were thrilled to find out they were both dedicated RISERs. “Lauren and I have children in the same grade, and I have always loved her spirit,” says Lindsey. “When I spotted her at a cycle class last year, I declared us work out buddies whether she liked it or not.”

That’s when Lindsey asked Lauren to join her Challenge team, and the rest is history. “Knowing that I have a friend waiting for me gets me out of the house, especially when I don't feel like going,” says Lauren. “The Starbucks trips after 7am Saturday spin classes are a highlight of my weekend.”

For Lindsey, the environment combined with friendships make RISE not just a place to workout but a community. “I can't think of a more warm and welcoming environment,” she says. “I have met some of my best friends at RISE. Bonus, I always leave sweaty and ready to take on the day. A workout partner keeps me motivated by keeping me accountable and most importantly by cheering on each other.”

Congrats Lindsey and Lauren on becoming RISERs of the Month. Your friendship and dedication to wellness inspires us all!

A little more from Lauren… What are your short and long-term workout goals?

I am honestly no longer interested in sizes or pounds. I just want to feel GOOD. To have the energy today to get through this season of life with small, busy kids and then to have the ability to be an active old lady!

What specifically do you like about RISE?

Absolutely the community! It's amazing to have friends that have similar healthy mindsets.

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

Spin class, specifically Monday morning after dropping the kiddos off at school. Gets my head on straight and starts my week out right.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Just show up and do the damn thing! Remember that everyday is a fresh start to do the best you can. And drink your water!

A little more from Lindsey…

What are your short and long-term workout goals?

Long term I want to live a long, active and fulfilling life. Short term, I am working to feel my best while setting an example to my children to prioritize their health and fitness.

What specifically do you like about RISE?

I love the relationships I have built at RISE! I have made some of my best friends here! And I love the Challenges! I always learn so much and take away at least one new good habit from each one.

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

BOXING!!! There's no class I get more pumped to go to and feel the best after! I love getting to punch my way through whatever stressors I am working through that day.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Just get moving! There are days I just can't get to RISE for a variety of reasons but I still try to get at least one good walk in and I always feel so much better after! Step and Vitamin D go a long way! And I have some great RISE friends who always ask to go on walks which is great motivation :)


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