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RISER of the Month: Linda Rogers

Nearly 10 years ago, Linda Rogers took her first RISE class, jumping into a challenging TRX class with both feet. Next she took a Kettlebell HIIT class with Carin Fanter. From then on, she was hooked. “My neighbor, friend and RISE regular Laura Heimburger and I ran together three days a week and we were looking for cross training so decided to give RISE a try!”

Today Linda continues to come to RISE because the classes are great, instructors are awesome and she’s able to do a Zoom class when the regular time of her favorite classes won’t work with her schedule. “It’s also fun to work out with friends and my daughter, Emma,” she says. “Hitting 61 and having soon-to-be seven grandchildren motivates me to stay active, fit and healthy. I feel strong by working out six days a week.”

With her family and fitness in mind, RISE helps Linda achieve her short and long-term goals to keep working out regularly and fight the aging process! While Linda loves the RISE community and the people she has gotten to know because of it, we couldn’t be happier to have her as a part of our community.


Linda, your go-getter attitude in each and every class and commitment to fitness exudes what RISE strives for in wellness. We’re grateful to have you in our community and are proud to have you as our RISER of the Month!


Read on the hear more about Linda’s wellness goals:


What classes get you the most amped mentally and physically?

I think kettlebell classes get me the most amped but I also really appreciate the heavy weight training used in strength/endurance and met-con.


What keeps you from getting to class?

I’m very self-motivated about going to class so I mostly just listen to my body and change around my schedule if I need something more or to back off. But I always plan ahead, which is key to getting in a lifestyle routine.


What is your athletic background?

I grew up trying all different sports but mostly played tennis, skied and was a cheerleader in high school. I married a husband who ran and worked out regularly, so I started running too and have finished 11 marathons. But, a hip replacement ended my regular running days.

What is your best healthy living tip?

Love the Lord with all my heart and give Him my day. Then exercise, eat healthy, hydrate, stay organized, walk my dog, enjoy friends and family socially and find joy in every day!


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