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Riser of the Month: Lauren Buell

Lauren Buell has always loved all forms of exercise in any form. “I started going to the gym at a young age and realized pretty quickly that it really helped my mental state,” she says. “Once I figured that out, I never stopped!”

Nearly 10 years ago in 2017, Lauren began to integrate Rise classes into her routine. “I have always been into group fitness but some classes challenged me more than others,” says Lauren. “I found at Rise, I was always being challenged! I loved the instructors, I loved the community aspect and each class felt different than what I was used to.”

As Rise became a second home to Lauren, she began to think frequently about becoming an instructor and with the encouragement of a good friend she got certified. “Sometimes all you need is someone having faith in you to get you over that hump,” she says. “For me, that person was Katelyn. She has always been so supportive, still is and I have never regretted my decision!”

Today Lauren loves Rises for the people and the energy of the studio. “People thank me for helping them but it goes both ways,” she says. “It takes the energy of a room to motivate me as well and Rise always brings that.”

Lauren, we love and appreciate the energy you bring to Rise every day. You’re the epitome of a Riser. Risers, read on to learn more about Lauren and the healthy practices that are the cornerstones to her routine.

What is your overall wellness mantra? I have a few but some of my favorites are "Great things rarely come from sitting in comfort zones" This one hits home for me. It's so easy to maintain life in your comfort zone but if you truly want to grow and do new things, whether in fitness or in other areas of your life, you have to leave that comfort zone! The other one I love is "I'm doing this for me" - it's important to remember that. At the end of the day, only you can push yourself to your limits! 

What are your short and long-term workout/wellness goals? Short term, as I age (bleh!) it’s to keep pushing the limits in my lifting. Get out of my comfort zone and pick up heavier weights/more repetition, stay strong. Long term, I want to continue learning new techniques and bring those skills back to Rise! New certifications!

What Rise class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped? That is too hard to choose! I love them all (maybe I am biased!) I will say, when I get to do a boxing class, I always feel so great! There is truly nothing like listening to loud music and punching a bag. It is the most perfect way to start the day! But I also love circuits and/or an interval class. Any class where you can lift weights and follow it with a cardio burst makes me happy! 

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class, and how do you combat that challenge? If it's an early class, the challenge is always getting out of bed but once you get going, you know, it will be the best decision of your day! The hardest part of a workout is always getting there! I tell myself that in just a short amount of time it will be over and I will have a much better day for moving my body! 

How do you integrate nutrition into your life each day? I'm a creature of habit. I find meals that are healthy and that I love and I put those on repeat! If you have done any of the Rise Challenges, I live by all the cookbooks! When I want to try new recipes, I go to my favorite bloggers! Or ask Jessica King. 

What’s your best tip to find balance between nutrition, fitness and life’s fun? While I take nutrition and fitness very seriously, I make sure to let myself splurge as well! Life is a balance - work hard but enjoy the things you love most. For me, it's peanut butter, dark chocolate, croissants and pizza with a glass of wine! 

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