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RISER OF THE MONTH - Kate Koppenhoefer

Why Rise?

I started at Rise four years ago. At that time I was just running. After my first class I was hooked and immediately signed up for a membership. The quality and variety of the classes and the workout you get are unparalleled. I think Rise is so unique in what it offers.

What motivates you?

This could be life or workouts? My parents’ health issues. My father passed away 8 years ago of heart related issues and my mom is in poor physical health relative to her age. I don’t want that to be me. I am really motivated by a desire to have a long and healthy life. I want to be kettlebelling when I’m 80!

What are your short and long-term workout goals?

My husband’s aunt posted a video of her 70 year old mother water skiing. This is my long term goal. I haven’t been on water skis in almost 20 years but that’s an issue for another day.

What specifically, other than format or schedule, do you like about Rise (events, community, etc.)?

The Rise community. I have made a ton of friends at Rise and I love the send of camaraderie we feel there. The challenges are amazing because of the community. You really can meet your goals when you have the support of so many people.

What Rise class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

It is so hard to say because I love all of them- kettlebell, barre and boxing but my favorite right now is Rachel’s 5 am circuits class. It is so fun and energetic moving through the circuits and the workout is done in the blink of an eye. I know it’s 5 am but... there’s a Starbucks around the corner waiting for you at 5:45! Getting my workout in that early sets my entire day up for success.

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class?

I work out primarily at 5 am so when one of my littles has a nightmare or urgently needs to discuss something with me at 2:30 am, the 4:30 alarm is painful.

What’s your athletic background?

I swam in high school and two years of college. I used to run a lot and have run one marathon and a handful of halfs.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Make your own green smoothie in the morning and bam! You just had vegetables for breakfast.


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