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RISER OF THE MONTH - Julia Ogilvie

When did you begin to come to RISE?

About three years ago, I bumped into Katelyn, who I have known since I was in 5th grade. She encouraged me to give RISE a try. At the time, I had a one-year-old son and was just walking and doing yoga. It was time to step up my fitness routine, and I couldn't have found a better place to do so!


At this point in life, being home with two little kids, RISE is truly often my one hour to myself in the day. I think it makes me better all around to take that time for myself. It's stress relief when I need it and adds to my happiness on the best days. An added bonus is that since coming to RISE regularly I have really seen my body change in ways I wouldn't have expected. I feel stronger now than I did before two kids.

What motivates you? This could be life or workouts.

I think viewing fitness and wellness as an ongoing journey is continually motivating. Finding what works for me and life now might be different than a few months ago. That idea keeps me moving forward. Plus, I want to be able to always keep up with my two little guys.

What specifically, other than format or schedule, do you like about Rise (events, community, etc.)?

The positive energy at RISE is unmatched. Every day the instructors are committed to elevating each workout and each person in class. And the RISE community on a whole is really uplifting. Whether it's a chat before class or what you gain from those around you while working out, I think there's a feeling of being in it together. That makes the workouts all the better and uplifts me mentally and physically.

What are your short and long-term goals?

Short-term, when I am focused on eating well and working out, I feel my best. So just maintaining that in my day-to-day life while continuing to set new goals as needed. Longer-term, my husband and I have been discussing training for a triathlon together. With two little kids, I'm not sure how we'll find the time, but I'm definitely excited by the idea!

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped? I really like to try and mix it up. This year I definitely found an unexpected love for Cardio Kickboxing and Bag to Boot. At heart, I am a barre girl. Katelyn's barre class is my happiest of happy places. It's somehow a great workout and some form of meditation in one.

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class? Probably just practical life circumstances -- the kids getting sick or going out of town. Other than that, I am there!

What’s your athletic background?

I danced, primarily ballet, my entire childhood through high school. I was also a cheerleader and then on dance squad in high school. And I played softball. I've mixed up my workouts over the years but am definitely a believer in group fitness for results.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Overall, the key for me seems to be discipline. The more focused I am on my diet and exercise, and the more of the bad, like sugar, I have eliminated, the easier it is to stick to making good choices. Another simple and specific tip - water! If I'm paying attention to it, I know that on days I haven't been drinking enough water I feel hungrier


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