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riser of the month - Jeff Davis

Why RISE Fitness?

RISE Fitness has become for me a routine that is very rewarding. Being part of this fitness community not only helps me feel better but also live better. The instructors, as well as other class participants, share great energy and foster a sense of community and accountability.

What motivates you?

Now that I am in my 40s, I feel especially motivated to stay healthy and in shape. RISE Fitness has been instrumental in keeping that motivation going! As Tom Petty said, “If you never slow down, you’ll never grow old!” Also, setting a good example on how live a healthy life for my two boys is important to me; by staying active in this stage of life, I hope to encourage them to stay physically active, as well.

Share your short- and/or long-term workout goals. My long-term goal is to become a better runner so that I can run in a 10K race, or maybe even a half marathon one day.

Aside from class format and schedules, what else do like most about RISE?

The simplicity and accessibility of RISE Fitness are what I love most. RISE has challenged me with the most challenging and impactful workouts of my life – and with little more than kettlebells, dumbbells, and sliders, all in an open-floor studio. Many workouts have involved no equipment at all. And yet I would challenge anyone familiar with the complexity and clutter of a gym or Crossfit studio to try a RISE class and tell me it’s not the toughest or most rewarding workout they’ve ever done.

What impact has exercise had on your lifestyle? Keeping a regular workout routine encourages healthy decisions in other areas of your life. When your routine is to exercise early in the morning two or three days per week, it is very easy to get to bed early and get a great night’s sleep. And when you know you’re expected in class the next morning, you’re more likely to avoid staying out late, eating too late, or having that extra beer or glass of wine (though that will happen from time to time).

What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to golf and read, mostly historical fiction and biographies.

What’s your favorite healthy food? Anything with quinoa, spinach and hot sauce.

Any tips you can offer to someone on the fence about working out and who needs an extra nudge to get started?

As challenging as it may seem to join an exercise class, just know that nearly everyone has been through it before and felt the same way. We’ve all had doubts as to whether we could do it, whether we’d fit in, whether we could keep up. But at RISE, you will definitely fit in — the instructors and classmates are welcoming and supportive and they will help you not only get over the fence but also make RISE part of your life routine.​


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