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Since her younger years and through adulthood, Lindsay Schaffnit has loved keeping active. Growing up, she played various sports and was a sprinter and throughout college was an avid runner. While she still craves a long run with a good friend or her husband, Lindsay began to feel the need to incorporate more variety into her workouts to take pressure off her body. “I have been going to RISE since 2014,” she says. “My friends and I were wanting to mix up our workout routine so we tried a class and have been hooked ever since.”

RISE helps Lindsay to keep her mind clear and prepares her for her day. “It’s my ‘me’ time before work, running kiddos to activities and mom life,” she says. “I enjoy the options and various teachers at RISE. I love the feel of the TEAM and the RISE community. It helps to have really good friends keeping me motivated and on track! There is something about holding yourself accountable when you are getting up at 4:30am to make it to a class.”

With a love for fitness, teaching a fitness class had always been a lifelong wish for Lindsay. But, for years she felt with kids and her work schedule, she couldn’t fit it in. Recently, though she had the realization that if she didn’t do it now, she never would.

Lindsay is RISE’s newest cycle instructor. “Cycle is my favorite cardio activity outside of running,” she says. “The RISE Cycle Studio is a happy place for me. I’ve been lucky enough to have Katelyn and Cara helping me on this journey.”

Read on to learn more about Lindsay’s personal wellness goals and how she hopes to help others as an instructor.

How do you hope to impact RISERs as an instructor?

I would love to help motivate others to feel good about their exercise and themselves no matter where they are on their fitness journey. We all fall off at some point and that is OK. Don’t beat yourself up; just start fresh. Even though we all lead busy lives, putting in the time for yourself is so important. Making exercise that time for yourself helps with your overall emotional wellness too.

What are your short and long-term workout/wellness goals?

My short-term wellness goal most recently is trying to get into a better sleep routine. Long-term is to continue to stay active and set a good example for my kids.

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

I am partial to cycle. I love when music and working out fits together. It motivates me and challenges me to push harder!

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class, and how do you combat that challenge?

My biggest challenge is schedule. If I do not get up early everyday, it is hard for me to make it to a class. To combat this challenge, I try to plan ahead and make a commitment with others so I know I will hold myself accountable.

How do you integrate nutrition into your life each day?

Making a plan and sticking to it is key at our house. We try our best. My husband is also into eating healthy, so this is super helpful. I do let myself splurge here and there. Then I don’t crave it and end up eating worse.

What’s your best tip to find balance between nutrition, fitness and life’s fun?

Workouts absolutely have to be fun and something you enjoy doing. If it’s miserable, mix it up and try something new. Like I said above, it is so important to let yourself lose every once in a while just make a plan to get back on track!


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