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Meet Our July Riser of the Month

One of Marie Oldham's core beliefs is that good health is the foundation on which so many aspects of life are built. "Staying fit is not a guarantee of a long and healthy life, but it sure increases the odds," she says. This is just one of the reasons Marie, who rediscovered the fun and camaraderie of group fitness about 10 years ago, has found herself to be a dedicated RISER, even after having moved out of town. Marie now rises with us on a daily basis over Zoom, and we can feel her dedication to creating a healthy life for herself. "The positive energy created by RISE group classes, led by enthusiastic instructors, motivates me to show up and work hard," she says of her dedication.

Today, Marie is focused on increasing her strength, flexibility and balance while staying open to learning new skills. For this reason, she loves trying the variety of classes RISE has to offer. "I keep my workouts fresh by taking a mix of classes each week (barre, yoga, spin, HIIT, strength)," she says. "The instructors are welcoming, motivating, helpful and kind. All levels of fitness are welcomed at RISE and I have felt and seen only positivity and supportiveness among class participants." Congrats, Marie, on your true dedication to wellness. We're so proud to have you as our July RISER of the Month. Read on to find out more of why Marie is drawn to RISE and living a healthy lifestyle.

Why RISE? I prefer boutique fitness studios like RISE as I'm all about the quality of the classes and instruction.

What Rise class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

I have literally never taken a RISE class that I didn't enjoy and benefit from. PD's fitness-based yoga has not only improved my balance and body awareness, but I leave that class feeling incredibly relaxed and refreshed.

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class?

With Zoom, I don't have any challenge getting to class. In fact, as a retired empty nester, I have no good reason not to attend classes! Instead, I am impressed and motivated by the many other class members who make the effort to get to class despite their busy lives with young families and demanding jobs.

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Keep a positive state of mind. Life is good and the world is an amazing place.


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