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January 2023 RISER of the Month: Trish McKean

In 2022, RISE had the awesome opportunity to welcome a new member to its community. Whether you’ve noticed her kicking butt as an instructor or sweating next to you as a student, Trish McKean vibrant spirit, energy and smile can’t be missed.

A lifelong athlete, Trish always had an interest in health and fitness. After working as the assistant manager of Shred415 Studios in Lincoln Park and the South Loop for three years, she decided to get her Ace Group Fitness certification and then spent 9 years as a Group Fitness Trainer at Shred415 Chicagoland Studios. “After I had kids, I saw how many moms wanted to stay fit after having babies,” she says. “That’s when I became a certified Perinatal Corrective Exercise Specialist.” Now Trish is sharing her fitness expertise with RISE through circuit and strength-based classes. “Clients can expect a safe, effective and super sweaty workout,” she says.

We’re so glad Trish has quickly become part of the RISE family. We can’t wait for Trish to keep working out alongside us and pushing to new levels of fitness. That’s what makes her our January 2023 Riser of the Month.

For more on Trish’s own goals as a RISER, read on.

What are your personal fitness and wellness goal in the short and long term?

Short term: I try to map out a game plan each week for my workouts. Whether it's 3 days of movement or 7, this holds me accountable and helps me to prioritize my fitness amidst a busy week. I know that if I get my workouts in, that will set me up for success in other aspects of my life. Long Term: I want to maintain muscle mass and my sanity. Working out keeps me sane and strong for my busy kids!

What have you come to LOVE about RISE in the time you’ve been with us?

The RISE community is like no other. The people are endlessly positive and always around to give a helping hand. The amount of love and support that is shared for one another is truly amazing. I love the RISE family!

What RISE classes get you the most amped?

I LOVE to take Allison's TRX class as of late or any of her strength-based classes. Lifting heavy always gives me an "I can take on the world" mentality and I love it! To teach: My 30/30 cycle strength class. I never in a million years thought I would love this class as much as I do. It's the perfect blend of cardio and a muscle burn in a high-intensity format. You leave super sweaty.

What’s your greatest challenge in getting to your workouts?

Working around my schedule to make it work. That's why mapping it out at the beginning of the week has been helpful.


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