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December 2022 RISER of the Month

After a long time of RISE being on Amanda McCarthy’s radar, she decided to join a friend on her Challenge Team in December 2020. “After spending the greater part of the pandemic at home struggling to keep up with my wellness routine, it was just the change I needed,” she says.

During the 2021 Rise-olution Challenge Amanda could feel the care put into designing the RISE wellness program. “I loved the checklist and was pleasantly surprised that the Challenge focused more on adding things into your wellness routine (vegetables, exercise, water, contact) rather than eliminating things (restricting calories),” she says. “The support I received from my teammates and the rest of the challengers was life changing. Having a group of women to check-in with every day to discuss things that were going well and things that were difficult was really helpful in working toward my wellness goals. It was uplifting to both be able to give and receive guidance from a group of people that had similar aspirations.”

Two years later, Amanda can be seen at RISE nearly every day, participating in more Challenges, the variety of classes and the wellness and accountability groups and staying motivated by the community around her. “Since that first Challenge I've participated in three more Challenges, the 1:1 Coaching program and two Accountability Groups,” she says. “I keep signing-up because maintaining contact with people who have the same wellness goals really helps me stay on track.”

Through the support and inspiration that Amanda has received from my Challenge teammates, the Rise Team and the greater Rise community, she has stuck with her wellness goals, and we are SO inspired by her drive and dedication.

Amanda, congratulations on becoming the December 2022 RISER of the Month. We love seeing you in the studio and your encouragement at Challenge time. You truly show us how to show up and conquer your goals by making the right choices on step at a time.

Here’s more from Amanda on her future wellness goals and how to incorporate RISE into yours!

What are your short and long-term workout goals?

My long-term workout goals are to stay fit, active and healthy into old age. My short-term workout goals include nailing one of Katelyn's seemingly complicated eight-part combinations!

What specifically, other than format or schedule, do you like about RISE?

I love the welcoming community that the Rise Team has created. From the very first time I walked into the door and Jen greeted me with her warm, effervescent personality I felt at home. I was impressed that every instructor personally introduced themselves and remembered my name. I love that I receive text messages congratulating me on a job well-done or inquiring why I missed a class. I'm also thankful for the events and speakers that the team organizes and the focus not just on fitness but on one's whole-being.

What RISE class gets you feeling the most mentally and physically amped?

Carin's Bootcamp Class and Rachel's Power Circuits really get my adrenaline pumping! I love the format of each class, the music and the positive affirmations that each of the instructors offer.

What’s your biggest challenge in getting to class, and how do you combat that challenge?

My travel schedule is my biggest obstacle to getting to class. I love the replay option for getting in my workouts.

What’s your athletic background?

I was a swimmer growing-up and continued to swim intermediately through my 20s. At 30, I learned to play tennis, but only played during fair weather. I didn't incorporate fitness into my daily life until I began taking prenatal yoga classes when I was pregnant with my youngest son 8 years ago. A friend urged me to join her yoga class and I was hooked on both yoga and group fitness! I love the energy and inspiration I get from working-out with other people!

What’s your best healthy living tip?

Be kind to yourself; set goals but give yourself grace. Also, find a group of like-minded individuals to support your healthy-living goals.


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